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  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff

Fiske, Luciulius and Horace. A study in the classical theory of imitation.

Fiske, Luciulius and Horace. A study in the classical theory of imitation.

Lucilius – Horaz – Fiske, George Converse. Luciulius and Horace. A study in the classical theory of imitation. Hildesheim, Olms 1966. 524 S. OLn. (minimal berieben).

Nachdruck der Ausgabe Madison 1920.

Unser Preis: EUR 20,-- 

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