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  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff

Horatius, Opera omnia. The works of Horace. With a Commentary by E.C. Wickman. V…

Horatius, Opera omnia. The works of Horace. With a Commentary by E.C. Wickman. V

Horatius, Quintus Flaccus. Opera omnia. The works of Horace. (lat.). With a Commentary by E.C. Wickman. Vol.I The Odes (Book I-IV with Introduction), Carmen Seaculare, and Epodes. Bd.1 von 2. 3. Auflage. Oxford, Clarendon 1896. IX(3), 436(16) S. OLn. (minimal berieben u. bestoßen).

Appendix: 1. On the Unknown Names in the Odes. II. Harace’s Use of the Complementary Infinitive with Verbs and Adjectives. III. Index of Metres used in the Odes and Epodes. IV. Collation of MS. in Library of Queen’s College, Oxford. – Vorsätze mit Abklatsch.

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