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  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff

Sophocles. The plays and Fragments with critical notes, commentary, and transl.

Sophocles. The plays and Fragments with critical notes, commentary, and transl.

Sophocles. The Plays and Fragments with critical notes, commentary, and transl. in engl. prose by R.C. Jebb. Part IV: The Philoctetes. (graece/engl.). Cambridge, Univ. Press 1932. LXV(1), 267(1) S. OLn. (leicht berieben, bestoßen, schiefgelesen u. Rverg. gänzlich verblasst).

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