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  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff
  • Antiquariat Daniel Osthoff

McFarlane, Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Sanctandreani. Proceesings of the Fith Inte…

McFarlane, Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Sanctandreani. Proceesings of the Fith Inte

McFarlane, I.D. Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Sanctandreani. Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies. Binghamton u. New York, Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies 1986. Gr.-8°. 5 Bll., 645(1) S. OLn. m. verg. R.-Titel.

Volume 38.

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